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Thursday 27 October 2016

The presentations will be given in English.
Is there a future for healthy food choices?

Prof. Caroline Braet
Dr. Leentje Vervoort
09:30hrsImplications of the REWARD studies on eating behavior of toddlers.
Presentation of the results and discussion
Laura Vandeweghe
The important role of learning processes in the understanding of food choices
Prof. Stephanie Anzman-Frasca
10:35hrsActive break
Dr. Wendy Vanlippevelde
10:55hrsImplications of the REWARD studies on eating behavior and body composition in primary school children. Presentation of the results and discussion
Annelies De Decker
‘Liking’ vs ‘Wanting’ for food in humans: Psycho-biological processes underlying food choice and appetite control
Prof. Graham Finlayson
12:00hrsHealthy lunch
Poster presentations
The complex role of psychological processes in the understanding of food choices
Prof. Jens Blechert
13:35hrsREWARD serious game: intervention in adolescents. Presentation of the results and discussion
Nathalie De Cock
The neglected role of the environment in the understanding of food choices
Prof. Stef Kremers
14:40hrsActive break
Dr. Wendy Vanlippevelde
15:00hrsReinforcement Sensitivity: application of this innovative concept in a broader domain
Jolien Vangeel
15:30hrsPanel discussion:
The growing role of policy in the promotion of healthy food choices
moderated by Prof. Ignaas Devisch
16:05hrsClosing talk + drinks
Prof. Caroline Braet

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