Scientific Advisory Committee
Promotors: Prof. Caroline Braet, Prof. Stefaan De Henauw, Prof. Benedicte Deforche, Prof. John Van Camp, Prof. Steven Eggermont Scientific Committee: Prof. Lien Goossens, Prof. Ellen Moens, Prof. Carl Lachat, Lieven Huybregts, PhD, Isabelle Sioen, PhD, Prof. Kathleen Beullens Projectmanager Reward: |
You are here > Scientific day | Programme
Thursday 27 October 2016The presentations will be given in English.Programme
08:00hrs | Registration |
09:00hrs | Welcome Prof. Caroline Braet Dr. Leentje Vervoort |
09:30hrs | Implications of the REWARD studies on eating behavior of toddlers. Presentation of the results and discussion Laura Vandeweghe |
10:00hrs | Keynote: The important role of learning processes in the understanding of food choices Prof. Stephanie Anzman-Frasca |
10:35hrs | Active break Dr. Wendy Vanlippevelde |
10:55hrs | Implications of the REWARD studies on eating behavior and body composition in primary school children. Presentation of the results and discussion Annelies De Decker |
11:25hrs | Keynote: ‘Liking’ vs ‘Wanting’ for food in humans: Psycho-biological processes underlying food choice and appetite control Prof. Graham Finlayson |
12:00hrs | Healthy lunch Poster presentations |
13:00hrs | Keynote: The complex role of psychological processes in the understanding of food choices Prof. Jens Blechert |
13:35hrs | REWARD serious game: intervention in adolescents. Presentation of the results and discussion Nathalie De Cock |
14:05hrs | Keynote: The neglected role of the environment in the understanding of food choices Prof. Stef Kremers |
14:40hrs | Active break Dr. Wendy Vanlippevelde |
15:00hrs | Reinforcement Sensitivity: application of this innovative concept in a broader domain Jolien Vangeel |
15:30hrs | Panel discussion: The growing role of policy in the promotion of healthy food choices moderated by Prof. Ignaas Devisch |
16:05hrs | Closing talk + drinks Prof. Caroline Braet |
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