You are here > Registration
Registration fees (*):
Reward Symposium 27/1045 Euro60 Euro
Valorization day 28/1045 Euro60 Euro
Both days80 Euro110 Euro

(*) including access to the scientific sessions, coffee breaks and lunch and closing drink.

Register here
Cancellation of registration
In the event of cancellation, written notification should be sent to the
Organizing Secretariat (Semico) by fax: +32 9 233 85 97 or email: reward@semico.be

The following cancellation fees will apply:

  • Before 21 October 2016: Full refund
  • As of 21 October 2016 or if the participant fails to attend: no refund.

All refunds will be processed and issued within 30 days after the congress.
Name substitutions are possible at no cost till 22 October 2016.

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