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Posters are a key component of communicating science and offer a different medium from either oral presentations or published papers, while delivering the same high-quality science.

Posters are a summary of your research, scholarly, or creative project in a visually engaging way, highlighting the context of your work (through photographs, maps, etc.), your methods, and results (with graphs, charts, photographs, etc.). The poster should be able to stand on its own as a clear, logical presentation of your work.

The organizing committee welcomes contributions for poster presentation at the Reward Symposium.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 june 2016

General Instructions

  1. Abstracts must be in English and submitted on-line
  2. Notification of acceptance will be dispatched by e-mail by 31 july 2016.
  3. To allow efficient handling of the abstracts, the authors are requested to provide 3 keywords.
  4. Posters need to be made according the instructions and with respect to the sizes of the poster boards
    (height =1,80 m and width = 0,70 m).

Abstract Format

  1. Abstract Format:
    • Abstract title: should be in sentence case (no unnecessary capitalisation)
    • Authors: the names of the authors should be listed in the following order: Last name, First name, Department, Institution, City, Country and separated by semicolon(s)
    • Abstract body: the abstract body should contain maximum 250 Words.
    • Conflict of Interest (mandatory).
  2. The use of tables, graphs, diagrams, images and embedded videos in the abstract submission is not allowed.
  3. Use standard abbreviations. Please explain special or unusual abbreviations the first time they appear.

Abstract Timeline

  • Abstract submission deadline: 30 june 2016
  • Notification of acceptance: 31 july 2016

Submit your abstract here
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